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TARA PV UK, a leading pharmacovigilance software company providing services to leading global companies and several mid-sized to small pharmaceutical companies.

TARA PV is fully E2B (R3) compliant. Also has multitenancy capability allowing users to access multiple databases from a single administration module. TARA PV allows the use of the MedDRA and WHODrug dictionaries. It supports electronic reporting either through a portal or via a gateway to regulatory authorities. The TARA PV system and the associated safety databases are housed in the UK in Tier 4 ISO 27001 data centres with multiple redundancy features.

Thus TARA PV offers healthcare companies a powerful, fully functional package to support all the company’s pharmacovigilance, reporting and signal detection needs in a user friendly, configurable and affordable software package.

We are happy to discuss your requirements in detail, and to demonstrate the TARA PV system to you and your colleagues. We could then provide a tailored cost estimation for you upon request.

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Introduction of Tara PV
Tara PV Datasheet
TARA PV Case Studies