QPPV & PVSMF Services

We, at Thinki provide Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV)/Local Pharmacovigilance Responsible Person (LPVRP)/Local Responsible Person (LRP) services who can manage end to end pharmacovigilance operations of a particular market that assist companies and individuals to meet their regulatory compliance.

Our QPPVs/LPVRPs can ensure that the pharmacovigilance system is up and running, provide oversight to continuing pharmacovigilance services and also function as the 24/7 contact point for regulatory activities.

QPPV/LPVRP service is an area of our expertise, and we recommend this solutions for all MAHs for pharmacovigilance, legal and regulatory solutions.

We undertake preparation of and updating Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PVSMF). Clients have a choice between basic and full version, where annexes are compiled in collaboration with them to incorporate company specific data.

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